Thursday, October 16, 2014

Appreciating Who They Are

I have 4 children. 4 children creating messes, dishes, laundry, and chaos. Day in and day out, things are hectic (to put it lightly). Every once in a while, I need to step back and remember what makes each of my kids unique and beautiful. Here's what I've learned about my children:

Nick is a lover. He's compassionate towards his siblings. He yearns to be a helper. His imagination knows no bounds. He has a hero adventure at the ready at all times, good always prevails over evil. He knows every detail of every superhero he can get his hands on. He has an off-the-wall sense of humor that gets me rolling with laughter. He doesn't care what others are doing around him, he sticks to his interests and pursues his passions. He has made so much progress in his school work just this year alone. I'm proud of the man he is becoming.

Nay is creative, inventive and a thinker. He is always coming up with connections between different areas of his school subjects. He sees the whole of life in ways even I miss. He aims to please, but in his own round about ways. Give him a box of Legos and he'll give you a spaceship like you've never seen. Tell him a joke and he'll have to explain to you why it's funny before he laughs. He thinks about everything. About how words are dissected; how the American Revolution affects us today; how science will advance in the future. He's a remarkable kid who will go far in life. I'm so privileged to watch him grow.

My big girl is a spitfire. She won't hesitate to tell it like it is. She wears her favorite clothes, regardless if they match or not. She draws and paints. She can write her name. She quotes movies and shows like it's her job. She likes knowing the plan. Anytime you can give her a detailed schedule, she's more likely to go with the flow and avoid a meltdown. She's really coming into her place in the family. She's a delight.

Nicoley is tender. She loves animals and babies as much as any mother. She's adventurous and fearless. She loves to snuggle and sometimes crawls in my lap just to kiss my face. She loves making you laugh. She gets shy when you catch her playing pat-a-cake with her dollies. She learns a new word everyday. She loves her siblings fiercely. She is the perfect completion to our family.

Motherhood is grueling. The days are long and monotonous. If I don't step back and look at what God has entrusted to me, I'm likely to miss it. I never want to take these heavenly treasures for granted.


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