Monday, April 6, 2015

Laundry: the struggle is real

This post seems fitting right now as we just got done hosting family for Jases' Birthday and Easter. Special announcement before I go any further: Thank you family for making Jases birthday so special, please know this post has nothing to do with you and everything to do with my hate for laundry ;-).

OK, back to the post!

I'm sure anyone can relate to having mounds of laundry to do after having house guests. I LOVE hosting people and having people visit, it's one of my favorite things to do, but doing laundry is my LEAST favorite chore when everyone is gone! My husband always laughs at me because he thinks its the easiest chore.

My husbands point is, is that you load the clothes and the washing machine does the rest, switch the clothes and the dryer does the rest. Then all you have to do is put everything away. I understand this and it all sounds great and easy, until I actually have to do it.

How I see doing laundry is this way: Put clothes in the washer, wait forget about clothes or forget long enough that now a simple chore will take me much longer. This is my main problem with laundry that causes all my other issues. I can't start the laundry and finish the chore right away, therefore I usually get side tracked and forget. What this causes is a million couple loads of laundry to take all day and at the end of that day I still have to fold and put away. Which lets face it is the WORST part!

This chore has seriously been my enemy since I was little. Seriously, I would choose cleaning the bathrooms (I shared with two older brothers, mind you) over laundry any day! This chore exhausts me just thinking about it. Maybe a little dramatic, but it's the truth!

So, what are you laundry tips? How do you make it more enjoyable? How do you stay on track and get it done in a timely fashion?

<3 Lindsey

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