Monday, January 19, 2015

Nose Frida aka Snot Sucker

I decided to write today about one of my favorite baby items. I definitely have long list of favorites, but right now this is my current favorite as Jase has a cold. Have you heard of the Nose Frida?

It is an amazing invention that sucks snot out of your child's nose. It sounds disgusting, I know, but don't knock it until you try it. The cold Jase has right now is a bad one. Head and chest cold, but the stuffed nose is just relentless. Jase has sort of figured out how to blow his nose, but let's face it he's a toddler, he's doesn't exactly blow hard enough to get a lot of the gross, nasty snot good stuff out. This genius product helps a baby or toddler, in this case.

I will be honest and tell you Jase doesn't exactly like the process of the sucking, but I can tell he knows it helps him. At his age now he lets me use this, but helps me hold it and sort of tells me when I am allowed to start sucking. I assume it doesn't feel that great while it happens, but he can tell after he can breath a bit better.

Anyways, if you haven't purchased this, go get it now! It's a great product!

<3 Lindsey

*I am not being paid to write about this product, I just really like it!*

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