Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Friends or frenemies?

This is not a mommy topic this week, but it's something I've really been struggling with and hopefully one of you can give me some advice....

My husband has this groups of guys he's been friends with since junior high. They're all married and all have kids. The wives and I have become friends as we've all come into the "group", some of us closer than others but still all friends. One of the wives in particular had a very strong personality and is very opinionated, making it difficult to be close to her. She also is a huge gossip and we all know she talks about each of us to the other girls. 

Now all of this being said, she's a nice girl and she had a rough early life so I've really tried to befriend her and hang out with her as much as possible. I've talked about her in previous posts...she stayed home with her son and I went back to work when our babies were born and I always felt like she was mad at me for never hanging out. Last summer when I was going through my miscarriage, she was being particularly needy and kept hounding me to hang out. I finally told her what was going on, really just to make her realize the world doesn't revolve around her, and all I got was a "sorry" and "you seem like you don't want to be friends, I'll wait for you to come to me". 

Some friend right? The other night I found out that she talked about personal things I've shared with her to someone I don't even really know!! My dilemma is I confront her about the newest situation? Do I be a grown up and let it go? Should unjust slowly remove myself and my family from her life?? Our husbands are friends, is this going to cause a problem between them? Someone help me!! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cultivating Character

Jase and I finally made it back to our Mom to Mom group last week and I'm so glad we were able to make it. Not only was it great to get out of the house and have a much needed break from Jase some adult interaction, but I always leave there refreshed with some goals to make be a better mom and wife. Last week we talked about Cultivating Character in our little ones and in us. I will apologize in advance as I really should have taken my book home, but I am writing off mostly memory and what I most got out of the discussion.

We all want our children to have character, to be their own person and be a good person, right? Daily, I know I'm trying my best to show Jase the "right" way to do things, how to be nice, how to be gentle and kind, but if I'm honest, I know I mess up on the daily. There are days I loose my temper to easily or I rush through a task to move onto the next, basically doing the things I don't want Jase to do or mimic.

Key points I took from the session were these:

  • Character is who you are when no one's looking.
  • Character is catching. What does Jase learn from watching me?
  • Key to building character is modeling it. 
  • I need to model my need for God's mercy, grace and forgiveness.

The truth is, no one is perfect. The awesome thing is our children are little sponges and we can help mold them with the help of God's grace. I left Thursday morning feeling like it was exactly what I needed to hear. After Jase and I had been sick on and off for a month we were both at our worst and exhausted. I felt myself short tempered with him and most likely showing him poor character at times. What I can teach him now is God's grace is good and I am also still a work in progress. Everyday is a new one for me to be better than the day before, to be more kind, more patient and more willing to slow down a bit.

<3 Lindsey

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Toddlers can be fun....right?

I know everyone complains about the "terrible twos", but I am really enjoying my daughter right now! She's developed this fun, sassy little personality and she knows exactly what she wants! She's so aware of everything and everyone and definitely knows how to work people to get what she wants ;) I can't believe in just 5 months she'll be two!!! Holy cow, time flies by...

All that being said, she's picked up on a few quirks that are in one word....annoying. I know that sounds awful but she just has these little things that just get under my skin! Lately if you don't answer her the first time she says your name, she keeps repeating it louder and louder until you acknowledge her. 

She also has just started randomly screaming if things don't go her way! Her favorite movie, like most kids right now, is Frozen. When that movie is over, she breaks down crying and screaming....who is this child?!! It's a movie for Pete's sake, not the end of the world! Please tell me I'm not alone in this! There have got to be some funny(and sometimes annoying) quirks that your toddler has started doing. And even if there isn't, make something up to make me feel better ;) 

Even though she has some rough phases we're going through, this has been my favorite age so far. She loves to be outside, sees a dandelion and blows her wishes away, LOVES babies and kids of all ages, and gives the best hugs. She's learned what ouchies are and knows she gets extra hugs and kisses when she gets one...which sometimes leads to fake injuries. :) I love, love, love my little toddler, and hope you are all having just as much "fun" as I am!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sick kid.. what this means for a Parent

My goodness, our family is OVER this cold/flu season! We were doing well for the most part until 2015 hit. Jase got a bad upper respiratory cold that lasted about 2 -3 weeks, then a stomach bug, then another cold and lastly a double ear infection.. seriously OVER IT! I know this all comes with the territory of being a parent and having a toddler who, lets face it, isn't very sanitary, but we were blessed last year for Jase to only got a mild cold.

Good news is, I think, we're on the mend. Jase has been a happy camper since about the 3rd round of medication for his ears and his runny nose doesn't seem to bother him anymore. He's also become a pro nose blower! I think the hardest part about having your child sick is being cooped up in the house. I think it's hard on both Jase and I. Mainly I want to keep him home when he's not feeling well as to not tire him out, but also I don't want to spread germs. Because he's been sick so long, we've only made it to one of my mom's groups this year, which is a total bummer.

What this makes me realize, time and time again, is that being a parent really means setting your needs/wants aside and taking care of your child. As you know, we switched Jase to his big boy bed early in the year. Since we did that I have had a "to do" list of things I want to make for his room. I wanted his room finished weeks ago, and it's basically just sat as is since we built the bed. Since Jase as been sick, all of this has been put aside. Along with his room, our office is a disaster because I haven't finished organizing that either and let's not talk about the rest of the house right now! If you knew me personally you would know this is driving me bonkers! I hate starting something and not finishing it. I am not a patient person... like at all. It's really a terrible personality trait, I admit it. It's also something Jase has inherited...

What I am getting at is basically that being a parent really has made me a better person. Sick days are just the days I need to remember what's important in life! Instead of feeling bad about being cooped up for a month (even though some days did totally suck) I got to spend even more quality time with Jase. I got so many extra snuggles and I hope we created memories of me being there for him. I also learned that my husband does much better with vomit then I do. Yay for having a awesome hubby!

So mommas, cherish these times, enjoy the extra snuggles and remember that one day when they're grown they may not want to crawl up in your lap and fall asleep.

Have a great week!

<3 Lindsey

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Toddler Toys and Why they Stink

At almost two years old, Jake has become pretty picky in every aspect of his life. Food, TV shows, toys. He knows what he likes and doesn't like. Of course, most of his favorite things are things I could live without. For example, when it comes to toys, Jake loves his mega blocks. When those blocks come out, they are everywhere. I'll try to put a few out to play with and Jake grabs the bag and dumps them all out. And of course avoiding stepping on them is like walking through a mine field with a toddler glued to your leg (I can't wait until the lego phase). I swear those things multiply when you're not looking. You think you've put them all away and then for days you keep finding more in random places. That's why I currently have them hidden so Jake can't just see them and want them at all times of the day. Crayons is another favorite of mine. Like the mega blocks, they appear in random places around the house, even when you swear you've picked them up. Unlike blocks, these cause way more damage. My kid tries to color on the walls at every chance he gets. Thank goodness for magic eraser. You know what magic eraser doesn't work on? Clothes. Somehow a crayon got into my dirty laundry. A brown one, no less. Almost every article of clothing in that load looked like someone drew all over it. And in some places, there were blotches. Now I double and triple check everything I put into the wash. Last but not least, I believe my son's favorite thing to play with is any kind of paper product. Magazines, paper towels, toilet paper. I couldn't tell you how many times Jake has gotten ahold of one of these and ripped them to shreds. Paper everywhere. No matter how many times I pick up shredded paper, I always find more for at least 24 hours. I have covers for my couches, since my parents' dog tore slits in the cushions. The covers were in the laundry. I sat down and it turned out Jake stuffed the cushions with magazine shreds. How he comes up with some of the things he does, I have no idea. I guess it could always be worse. He could have a preference for knives and thumbtacks.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Staying Home Sick

Being sick is never fun, but when you and your baby are sick, it's the absolute worst! My daughter was blessed with her daddy's immune system(thank goodness) and has only been actually sick once. Any other time she's been "sick" it's been teething related so I don't really count that. She currently has a little cold, really it's just a stuffy nose, but it's amazing how much everything changes!

Her mood has been all over the minute she wants to cuddle, the next she's off and running! Her sleep habits are the same...last night she was up every hour because she couldn't breathe. It's so hard and frustrating to take care of a sick baby because you don't know what exactly is wrong with them. Does their tummy hurt? Is it their throat? Just a stuffy nose? I can't wait until she's old enough to tell me what's not feeling well, but until then it's just a guessing game.

I consulted Dr. Google yesterday morning, and they told me saline drops, suctioning out the yucky's, a humidifier, etc. what are some go-to cold remedies that you use? Maybe something that works for you and baby? I'm all about trying all-natural things, but really I just want my baby better so I'll try anything!

And Happy Valentines Day! Anyone have any special traditions they do with their kids?? I know this is a cheesy holiday but I just love it! ❤️❤️❤️


Thursday, February 5, 2015

My daughter the goat

Crayons.  Markers.  Dog food.  Cat food.  Cat litter.  Fuzz.  String.  Ribbon.  Hair bows.  Wash cloths.  Cotton swabs.  Baby wipes.  Toilet paper.  Toilet paper rolls.  Paper towels.  Paper towel rolls.  Tissues.  Napkins.  Construction paper.  Receipts.  A check for $250.  Magazines.  Books.  Blocks.  Sticks.  Stones.  Sand.  Keys.  Miniature tweezers.  A wooden fence.  I know you must be wondering what all of these things have in common.  If you guessed that these are all items my daughter has eaten or attempted to eat, you would be correct.  I am convinced her spirit animal is a goat.

Now I know that babies are little masters of discovery and exploration and use their mouths to learn about things.  I reminded myself of that over and over again when Sofia was a baby and destroyed book after book.  Eventually, she was bound to learn that books aren't for consumption, right?  I again reminded her father of that when she ate half a check waiting to be cashed.  Eventually, he was bound to learn that important things shouldn't be left within her reach, right?

Sofia is now a toddler, and while she is rapidly approaching the ripe old age of two, her gnawing has not abated.  She can say over 300 words, she can sing her ABCs, she can run around like a little ninja when she wants to avoid a diaper change, but she cannot will not stop putting inedible objects into her mouth.  If she is so mature in some ways, why not let go of this little vestige of babyhood?

I don't have an answer.  I'm not sure there is a good one.  She is a strong-willed, curious tot who mostly does as she pleases.  Fortunately, that usually coincides with what I please, but there will continue to be times when it does not.  In fact, the older she gets, the more she will likely exert her independence and free will in ways that do not particularly thrill me.  That's growing up.  It's a rite of passage I enjoyed myself, and I wouldn't be so selfish as to want to cheat her out of experiencing the thrill of shocking me with her choices now and then.  But could she just cool it with the chewing already?

P.S.  For those of you who are wondering (I know I would be) how Sofia got a hold of miniature tweezers, the answer is simple; her father let her chew on them.  You know, because they're such a safe, trusted teething toy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

This Crazy Life

Ahhh! Life has been a crazy blur lately and I forgot to write my blog early this week! I always sit down on Monday nights after my daughter has gone to sleep and get it all written out...well not this week! I've recently started a Facebook page selling items for little girls, and little girls at heart :) Spoonful of Sugar is the beginning of a dream of mine and hopefully I'm able to continue growing it! If you have daughters, nieces, or friends with daughters, go check it out! 

On top of starting my little business, my husband has been dealing with a lot of changes at work, changes that could lead to a promotion(yay!). We've been discussing what could happen if it does go through, and with the promotion I'd be able to stay home even more(another yay!!). His new schedule would allow him to have weekends off which would be ah-mazing and he'd be home earlier every day too. 

Our daughter has been growing up so fast, I want to cry when I look at her. She has left the baby stages behind and is most definitely a sassy little toddler. She's got such a big personality and knows exactly what she wants. I can't wait to see her grow up, not that I want it to happen any faster than it already is! 

I know the older you get, the faster life goes but at this rate I'll blink and be 100! This week has taught me to sit down and take things slow...the dishes can wait. The laundry can least for a few days ;) I want to enjoy playing with my daughter while she still wants me around. I know all you mommies can relate, time goes by way too fast! Enjoy your sweet babies while you can! 


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Spring (ish) Cleaning

I know, I's not technically spring yet...but I am on a mission to spring clean all areas of my life.  Out with the old and in with the new (kinda ties in to my last post, right?  I sense a theme here).

I just cleaned out all of Ellery's clothing...boxed away the stuff that no longer fit her and unpacked all of the wonderful handmedowns that we've accumulated from friends and family (and a few new things of course).  It was pretty refreshing to see her closet full of "new" clothes and put away the rest.  My goal for her closet is to stay on top of it so that it isn't such a daunting task to tackle all at once.  I did the same thing to my closet...really took a hard look at what I can get rid of and tried my best to let go of things that I never wore/didn't fit/etc., regardless of what I paid for it.  I have held on to so many things over the years to wear one day, or when it fits, or because so-and-so gave it to me.  It was super liberating to "let it goooooo"!  Bonus-I made room for new clothes!  Win/win!

Same story for the rest of the house...decluttering and trying to make a little extra money while doing it.  I have the worst habit of going to the store (ahem, Target...) and by the time I get home I usually have a cranky toddler on my hands so I tend to dump the bags and my purse at the front door.  Such a bad habit to get into...before I know it I have more bags by the front door and the other ones haven't even been put away!  Shame shame.  I really need to make myself a rule...put away new purchases same day as they are bought.  Ok, rule officially made.  Hold me accountable, mamas!  I do not want my little muffincake to pick up on my bad habits!

Am I the only one who feels like I can't keep up with the chaos sometimes (read: all the time)?  (please say no)

Decluttering the mental junk...

I am making promises to myself; take risks even when they scare the tar out of me.  Stand up for what I believe in.  No matter what standards other people are held accountable to (right or wrong as it  may be), hold myself to a higher standard than that.  Teach my daughter what good work ethic is.  Lead her by example.  We all know that a decluttered mind, body, and soul (and household!) equates to a free spirit...and that is exactly the kind of person I want my daughter to be.

xo Jamie

Monday, February 2, 2015

Big Kid Bed - Update

I am just sitting down to write todays blog... today! I don't really have a topic, but I will let you all know how the transition to Jases' big boy bed is going.

We made the switch this Saturday and so far I think he's doing great overall. Nap time on Saturday was a little hard though. My husband went into put him down and Jase just wanted to play on his new bed and ended up with a bloody lip. He also knows to stay away from the footboard now! Opps! We decided to take him out the room when that happened and postpone nap time for a bit. We did some grocery shopping and tried to put him down again. He was asleep quick and we actually had to wake him from his nap.

That night he did great as well. Took a bit longer to get him to sleep, but we expected that with the switch. That night Jase slept through the night and woke up at his normal wake up time Sunday morning. Sunday some friends came up to watch Super Bowl with us, so we didn't really know how nap time would go. We waited until Jase started to get cranky to put him down and that seemed to work. Scott laid with him for about 20 minutes and he fell asleep.

Last night didn't go as well as the previous night. It took about an hour in a half to get him to sleep and then he woke up around 2:30 am. I went in there to lay with him and it took about 30 minutes to get him back to sleep. While I waited a bit longer to leave the room, I too fell asleep. I woke up to Jase sitting up sometime early morning thinking it was play time. It took me probably an hour to get him back down, but we stayed bed the whole time. I, again, fell asleep shortly after him and we both woke up around 8:30 this morning. Nap time today took about an hour again to get him to sleep and me to be able to leave the room.

Our intentions are not to sleep with him, but we figured that for a while we'll be more sensitive as he transitions. We did switch his bed and room at the same time, so it's a big change. Mostly last night was my fault for falling asleep, but this was also a reason for the switch. My husband and I wanted to get more sleep if Jase woke up at night and not have him in our bed to get that sleep.

So, overall, I think it's going well so far. He's stays in bed when we wakes and just cries out for us, so he's not leaving the bed on his own yet and he's sleeping better then I expected him to with the change. I'll keep you guys posted as we go through this journey... it is only the beginning!

<3 Lindsey