My husband has this groups of guys he's been friends with since junior high. They're all married and all have kids. The wives and I have become friends as we've all come into the "group", some of us closer than others but still all friends. One of the wives in particular had a very strong personality and is very opinionated, making it difficult to be close to her. She also is a huge gossip and we all know she talks about each of us to the other girls.
Now all of this being said, she's a nice girl and she had a rough early life so I've really tried to befriend her and hang out with her as much as possible. I've talked about her in previous posts...she stayed home with her son and I went back to work when our babies were born and I always felt like she was mad at me for never hanging out. Last summer when I was going through my miscarriage, she was being particularly needy and kept hounding me to hang out. I finally told her what was going on, really just to make her realize the world doesn't revolve around her, and all I got was a "sorry" and "you seem like you don't want to be friends, I'll wait for you to come to me".
Some friend right? The other night I found out that she talked about personal things I've shared with her to someone I don't even really know!! My dilemma is I confront her about the newest situation? Do I be a grown up and let it go? Should unjust slowly remove myself and my family from her life?? Our husbands are friends, is this going to cause a problem between them? Someone help me!!