Monday, February 2, 2015

Big Kid Bed - Update

I am just sitting down to write todays blog... today! I don't really have a topic, but I will let you all know how the transition to Jases' big boy bed is going.

We made the switch this Saturday and so far I think he's doing great overall. Nap time on Saturday was a little hard though. My husband went into put him down and Jase just wanted to play on his new bed and ended up with a bloody lip. He also knows to stay away from the footboard now! Opps! We decided to take him out the room when that happened and postpone nap time for a bit. We did some grocery shopping and tried to put him down again. He was asleep quick and we actually had to wake him from his nap.

That night he did great as well. Took a bit longer to get him to sleep, but we expected that with the switch. That night Jase slept through the night and woke up at his normal wake up time Sunday morning. Sunday some friends came up to watch Super Bowl with us, so we didn't really know how nap time would go. We waited until Jase started to get cranky to put him down and that seemed to work. Scott laid with him for about 20 minutes and he fell asleep.

Last night didn't go as well as the previous night. It took about an hour in a half to get him to sleep and then he woke up around 2:30 am. I went in there to lay with him and it took about 30 minutes to get him back to sleep. While I waited a bit longer to leave the room, I too fell asleep. I woke up to Jase sitting up sometime early morning thinking it was play time. It took me probably an hour to get him back down, but we stayed bed the whole time. I, again, fell asleep shortly after him and we both woke up around 8:30 this morning. Nap time today took about an hour again to get him to sleep and me to be able to leave the room.

Our intentions are not to sleep with him, but we figured that for a while we'll be more sensitive as he transitions. We did switch his bed and room at the same time, so it's a big change. Mostly last night was my fault for falling asleep, but this was also a reason for the switch. My husband and I wanted to get more sleep if Jase woke up at night and not have him in our bed to get that sleep.

So, overall, I think it's going well so far. He's stays in bed when we wakes and just cries out for us, so he's not leaving the bed on his own yet and he's sleeping better then I expected him to with the change. I'll keep you guys posted as we go through this journey... it is only the beginning!

<3 Lindsey

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