Monday, February 16, 2015

Sick kid.. what this means for a Parent

My goodness, our family is OVER this cold/flu season! We were doing well for the most part until 2015 hit. Jase got a bad upper respiratory cold that lasted about 2 -3 weeks, then a stomach bug, then another cold and lastly a double ear infection.. seriously OVER IT! I know this all comes with the territory of being a parent and having a toddler who, lets face it, isn't very sanitary, but we were blessed last year for Jase to only got a mild cold.

Good news is, I think, we're on the mend. Jase has been a happy camper since about the 3rd round of medication for his ears and his runny nose doesn't seem to bother him anymore. He's also become a pro nose blower! I think the hardest part about having your child sick is being cooped up in the house. I think it's hard on both Jase and I. Mainly I want to keep him home when he's not feeling well as to not tire him out, but also I don't want to spread germs. Because he's been sick so long, we've only made it to one of my mom's groups this year, which is a total bummer.

What this makes me realize, time and time again, is that being a parent really means setting your needs/wants aside and taking care of your child. As you know, we switched Jase to his big boy bed early in the year. Since we did that I have had a "to do" list of things I want to make for his room. I wanted his room finished weeks ago, and it's basically just sat as is since we built the bed. Since Jase as been sick, all of this has been put aside. Along with his room, our office is a disaster because I haven't finished organizing that either and let's not talk about the rest of the house right now! If you knew me personally you would know this is driving me bonkers! I hate starting something and not finishing it. I am not a patient person... like at all. It's really a terrible personality trait, I admit it. It's also something Jase has inherited...

What I am getting at is basically that being a parent really has made me a better person. Sick days are just the days I need to remember what's important in life! Instead of feeling bad about being cooped up for a month (even though some days did totally suck) I got to spend even more quality time with Jase. I got so many extra snuggles and I hope we created memories of me being there for him. I also learned that my husband does much better with vomit then I do. Yay for having a awesome hubby!

So mommas, cherish these times, enjoy the extra snuggles and remember that one day when they're grown they may not want to crawl up in your lap and fall asleep.

Have a great week!

<3 Lindsey

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder about these precious times with our little ones. I have always heard people tell me that it all goes by in a flash, and I have only half-heartedly listened. As my daughter approaches 3, I know that they were right. Soon, there will be no cuddles, so I need to stop and cherish this time.

    Terry Roberson @ MedCare Pediatric
