Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Remedy for Parched Mamas: Parenting in the Desert

While writing the July post I could give some practical or witty advice and it might be helpful, but in all honesty I am pretty spent. A tired, worn out mama whose soul is learning how to seek refreshment. Any other mamas out there feel me?

Some seasons as a mom are so dry, no visible fruit, sometimes accompanying metaphorical barrenness (or for me physical barrenness- as I write this I prep for a D&C tomorrow for my 3rd miscarriage). You have nothing left to give. So what do we do? Do we push through it and accept it. Maybe. Or do we look to what we can change and accept what we cannot?  

Today my foster daughter came in my room, as she was reorganizing her things, and showed me the necklace her bio grandmother gave her several years ago. On the back was the famous Serenity Prayer:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.”

I think that this should be every mom’s anthem…I cannot change I had a miscarriage again, or that in just a handful of months I will loose another child because I am foster parent who is trying to help another family reunite. Maybe you are having to realize you cannot change that your kid is in their terrible twos.

I am learning how to gain the courage to be vulnerable because when we open up as women, as mothers, to share we are struggling, it is healing. When we share with a friend we are not enjoying a certain part of parenthood like we thought we would or should, or that we are depressed, it gives freedom in our hearts. That freedom makes small changes in those deep places.

When we voice that we need a break, mommy time, a night out, a day trip- heck a weekend away, we are saying we value our souls. We say that investing in it can change some crankiness or fatigue. Maybe it’s just me, but this is what I am learning. I have to be honest with myself and family about where I am at. I need to give myself grace and ask for grace.

What are some things you do as moms and women that refresh your soul?

“Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

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