Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baby #2

I have had serious baby fever for at least the last year! Who is with me?? My daughter is now 17 months and she does such a good job anytime we're around other babies. She loves having her cousins over to play and especially loves having a playmate. I'm not gonna lie, it's nice for me too ;) If I were to get pregnant now they'd be about 2 years apart which is perfect for me!

As some of you may know, I had a miscarriage over the summer so for a little while I was scared of getting pregnant again. But it's been 5 months and I'm ready. Part of my problem is we're planning a huge family vacation for summer 2016 so I feel like if I don't get pregnant now I'll end up pregnant on a boat in the middle of the ocean and I'm so not about that. So I've given myself until May to get pregnant. 

For you mama's with two babies, how do you like it? How far apart are your babies? Really, my only "fear" with having two babies is how am I going to work and have two kids? My plan is to cut back my hours and my days so I'm only working three days a week, 5 hours a day. Do you think that's doable? 

At this point, I don't even care! My daughter has been a horrible sleeper from day one so I figure we might as well add to the family while I'm already sleep deprived. Sleep is overrated anyways, right? 


  1. Sending you baby dust! Jase and Timothy would have been almost exactly 2 years apart and I was pretty excited about that. We hope to keep Jase and the next one (whenever that is) close in age. Hope it all works out timing wise for you!

  2. Thank you!! I've got my fingers crossed it happens soon :)
