Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Pros of Preschool

Before I had kids and before I had a job, I thought the idea of preschool was stupid. I thought it was pointless and I thought it was for lazy moms who just wanted a break from their kids. Boy was I wrong. My first(and only) job out of high school was at a Christian preschool about two miles from my house. Every thought I had about preschool was proven wrong. 

Preschool teaches kids so many different things. They learn to take turns, to share and to interact with kids their age. They learn to obey and listen to adults other then mommy and daddy. They learn to follow directions and to do things for themselves. Preschool also teaches kids how to use different manipulative a to do art projects. 

At our preschool we have a schedule that most classes follow to a 'T'. The kids have free play outside for about an hour while kids are being dropped off. Then they split up into five different classrooms and start their day. We do days of the week, months of the year, counting to find what day it is...we do the flag salute, we have a song helper to pick out a song to get the wiggles out and we have stories. Each week there's a different theme so the stories are based off of that as well as the art projects. Because we are a Christian based preschool we also read Bible stories and pray before each meal. 

After working at the preschool for 8(!) years I have learned so much and feel confident in raising my children and teaching them along the way. I am a huge advocate for preschool now and when my little princess is old enough I plan on bringing her to work with me! Luckily we offer several different programs so she could just go for a few hours in the morning, two days a week.  

I love that we have options like this to help our children in addition to what we do at home. The school standards have changed so much and they expect so much from kids right off the bat. It can be scary for them and for us. Many school districts have preschool programs and we have the transitional kindergarten as well but it's nice to have a smaller setting that incorporates those Christian values that I want my kids to grow up with. Are there any other pro-preschool mamas out there??


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