Monday, December 15, 2014

Biggest Challenges as Mom and Wife

Happy Monday All!

I decided last night to ask a couple mommy friends what they liked to read about on blogs to get an idea of what to write about today. One of our readers and soon to be occasional writer, Jamie, gave me this great topic! I have a feeling she'll give us some good blog posts in the future!

After pondering a bit what I think my biggest challenges for both being a mom and a wife were, I realized that these two things together are my biggest struggle. When am I a mom, when a wife, how do I balance these two things and how do I know if I am doing enough for each? Daily, I feel like I'm being pulled a million different directions. Am I doing everything (moms know this word carries a lot of weight)  I need to for Jase, am I showing my husband that I love him as much as I should be (as much as I do), am I keeping the house together, ect.

If I break down my day with titles it looks like this: Mom, Wife/Mom and then Wife. Can you guess my day, usually? When I'm with Jase, he's my main focus, when Scott gets home from work I carry both titles and when Jase is in bed I am focusing on my wife duties. Of course we all know it's not always that simple, the lines blur together everyday. This is where it becomes hard to tell if I'm doing enough for each. There are days when I wish I could just be mommy and days I could just be a wife, but life just isn't that easy.

I really don't have an answer on how to balance the two, but here are the things that help me juggle both. On weekends, when my husband is home, I feel the most accomplished. I think having Jase and Scott around makes me focus on both of my titles as equally as I can. I also feel better when I separate time for each, willingly. For instance when I take Jase somewhere special just him or when Scott and I can get away together alone without Jase. The second is much harder to come by so sometimes we have to take advantage of Jase being in bed and us having quiet alone time.

What are our biggest challenges as a Mom and Wife?

<3 Lindsey

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