Sorry mama's I forgot to write my blog for yesterday! I've been sick, my daughter has been sick and my husband's been out of town so my whole week has been thrown off :( Anyway, back to the topic!
Lately, I've been having some trouble with my job. My boss doesn't treat all of her employees the same and I'm tired of seeing others moms with young children call in due to their illnesses and not being able to do the same when my daughter is sick. There have been times where I didn't have a babysitter and tried to take a vacation day and was told "no". I'm tired of being taken advantage of and because of this my husband and I have been seriously thinking about having me stay home.
While this has been something I've wanted to do since my daughter was born, I still have some serious doubts about it. How do you mamas feel about spending money if you're not contributing financially? Right now I'm bringing a paycheck home...if I want to run by Starbucks I will without feeling guilty. I know there will be times we'll have I say no to thinks and I'm ok with that, but until I find another job we will be a one income family....will we be ok??
For those of you mamas who stay home and only have your husbands income, how do you do it? I know there are things we can give up like cable, Wi-Fi, cell phone plans, but how else can you save money? A lot of our bills are things we can't get rid of like student loans, car payments, house payment...we have a small house so our PG&E is never that expensive which is a huge blessing. What are some tips and tricks that work for you?
Please give me any and all advice you may plans are to formally quit in January so I've got some time to get a plan together :)
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