Monday, November 17, 2014

Toddler Tantrums

Well, I've realized that my one in half year old is the kid who throws himself on the floor when he's upset... I fear for the time this happens in the middle of the grocery isle!

I have no idea how a child learns this behavior as Jase has no older siblings to mimic and he's at home with me mostly not a daycare to learn this behavior. If you follow me on Instagram you would know I posted this picture the other day:

Let me tell you about our morning to put a little perspective on the tantrum. Jase had been cranky for about an hour and I knew we needed to get out of the house. He had a cold, but I had errands to do so out we were going. While I was getting things together and totally keeping a close eye on him he got into his diaper bag and found a container of veggie sticks. Since his appetite had been so poor this week I just let him snack while I finished getting ready. Well once I was ready to leave I needed to take the snack away, cue toddler crying screaming. Nothing like the desperation cry of a toddler when you take away food to make you feel like mother of the year. But we don't always get what we want, and this is something we need to teach our kids, right. And for goodness sakes we weren't going far and he could have his snack once we got to our first errand. Try explaining that to a one year old...So came the tantrum.

Right now we basically ignore these tantrums when at home (where he usually throws them), but I can't really walk too far away from him when where in public and I do take into consideration where we are when he throws one for how I deal with it at that moment.

Tell me how you deal with tantrums. I know I'm in for it as he gets older so I need all the advice I can get!

<3 Lindsey

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