Friday, November 14, 2014

Stuffy Noses, Coughing, and Sleepless Nights

It's that time of year again...cold and flu season. Hate to be a buzz kill after Randi's post about the holidays, but it's true! Don't get me wrong, I'm super big on the holidays, but it's almost inevitable that our little ones will get sick this season. Zoë and I really don't even get out much, but we've both caught colds already. 

When we're out, I do my best to keep Zoë from touching communal things, especially during this time of year. As she's gotten more mobile and fast, however, it's a little bit harder. I also like to keep these Johnson's hand and face wipes on me. They seem to be the only baby wipe with any anti-germ assistance that are also alcohol-free. Keeping things out of her mouth is another difficult thing, but at this age, you just have to watch 'em like hawks.

Zoë got her first flu shot last flu season. The first one required two injections: the initial and then the booster. Now, however, she only requires one like we would as adults. I can't stress this enough... GET YOUR FLU SHOT! If you have a Costco card, their pharmacy only charges $14.99 and you don't even have to worry about insurance. You can also check your local health department, pharmacies (even those located in grocery stores), and of course your doctor's office. Keep in mind that for the first two weeks after you get your injection, you are still vulnerable to catching the flu. If our babies can get immunized, we can get ourselves immunized for their well-being and our own. 

Now that she is sick though, there are a couple of things I like to keep in my arsenal to help us through it. First, a nasal aspirator. My favorite is this one. If you've ever heard of the Nosefrida, it's similar to that, but more cost efficient and, in my opinion easier to use and clean. I've tried both, but after seeing how much it'd cost to continue buying filters for the Nosefrida, I decided to go with the BabyComfyNose. It is a little strange at first...essentially sucking the snots out of your child's nose, but you get over it. 

Another thing I use is saline spray. You have to be careful, though! Some of the saline sprays out there (including Little Remedies) have preservatives in their that can actually work against clearing the baby's nasal passages. I use Boogie Mist. 

I know I may seem like one of those moms who acts like a know-it-all, but believe me, the only thing I do know is that I do NOT know it all. I am fortunate, however, to have a pediatric nurse practitioner for a mom. You all have doctors of your own, though, and they know your child better than my mom or me, so if you have any questions, please direct them towards your health professional. Either way, best of luck to you all during this cold and flu season!

xxo. Christina

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